Saturday, February 7, 2009

Big Awesome Air!

Tony going for the gold.
Shout out to......

Shawn Bond sending it.

Dylan Dragota gettin' cork.

Wow!! the big air comp went off today! Every body was killing it. If you were there you got to see some great riding today and probably saw me running around with the mega-phone too. I don't even know where to start, so much happened. There was a plethora of spins, corks, and grabs, and all i can say is"10". You will just have to check back and watch the videos soon to really see what went down.

The jumps are open to the everyone now and some new things will be coming soon.

Shout out to everybody that came out to support the competitors and to all the riders also for sending it.
Have a great week and we'll see you on the hill!

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